
Top 10 Coffee Drinks for People Who Hate Coffee


For many people, the bitter taste of coffee is a major turn-off. However, there are plenty of delicious coffee-based drinks that even coffee haters can enjoy. In this article, Cojo will explore the top 10 coffee drinks that are perfect for those who dislike the taste of traditional coffee.

Understanding Coffee Aversion

Coffee aversion is a common phenomenon characterized by a dislike for the taste, aroma, or bitterness of coffee. While some individuals may find coffee unpleasant on its own, they may still enjoy coffee-based beverages when combined with other flavors and ingredients.

Criteria for Selection

In selecting the top 10 coffee drinks for coffee haters, we considered factors such as taste, sweetness, creaminess, and overall flavor profile. These drinks are designed to mask or complement the taste of coffee while providing a delicious and enjoyable beverage experience.

Top 10 Coffee Drinks

1. Mocha

  • Description: A decadent blend of espresso, chocolate syrup, and steamed milk, topped with whipped cream.
  • Benefits: The rich and creamy chocolate flavor masks the bitterness of the coffee, making it a perfect choice for those who dislike the taste of coffee.

2. Caramel Macchiato

  • Description: A layered drink consisting of steamed milk, vanilla syrup, espresso, and caramel drizzle.
  • Benefits: The sweet and creamy caramel flavor balances out the bitterness of the espresso, creating a delicious and satisfying beverage.

3. Vanilla Latte

  • Description: A classic coffee drink made with espresso, steamed milk, and vanilla syrup.
  • Benefits: The smooth and creamy texture of the steamed milk combined with the sweet vanilla flavor helps to mellow out the strong taste of espresso.

4. Affogato

  • Description: A simple yet elegant dessert consisting of a scoop of vanilla ice cream or gelato topped with a shot of hot espresso.
  • Benefits: The creamy texture of the ice cream paired with the bold flavor of espresso creates a delicious contrast that coffee haters may enjoy.

5. White Chocolate Mocha

  • Description: Similar to a traditional mocha but with the addition of white chocolate sauce.
  • Benefits: The sweet and creamy white chocolate complements the richness of the espresso, creating a delicious and indulgent drink.

6. Iced Caramel Latte

  • Description: A refreshing iced coffee drink made with espresso, cold milk, and caramel syrup, served over ice.
  • Benefits: The cold temperature and sweet caramel flavor make this drink a refreshing and enjoyable option for those who dislike hot coffee.

7. Hazelnut Latte

  • Description: A comforting coffee drink made with espresso, steamed milk, and hazelnut syrup.
  • Benefits: The nutty and slightly sweet flavor of hazelnut adds depth and complexity to the drink, making it a delicious choice for coffee haters.

8. Coconut Mocha

  • Description: A tropical twist on the classic mocha, made with espresso, chocolate syrup, steamed coconut milk, and topped with whipped cream.
  • Benefits: The creamy coconut milk and rich chocolate flavor help to mask the bitterness of the espresso, creating a delightful and exotic beverage.

9. Pumpkin Spice Latte

  • Description: A seasonal favorite made with espresso, steamed milk, pumpkin spice syrup, and topped with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
  • Benefits: The warm and comforting flavors of pumpkin spice complement the boldness of the espresso, making it a popular choice for coffee haters during the fall season.

10. Frozen Coffee Smoothie

  • Description: A refreshing and creamy blend of frozen coffee, milk, ice, and your choice of flavorings such as chocolate, caramel, or vanilla.
  • Benefits: The smooth and frosty texture of the frozen coffee smoothie combined with the sweet and creamy flavorings make it a delicious and satisfying option for those who dislike traditional coffee.


While coffee may not be everyone’s cup of tea, there are plenty of coffee-based drinks that even coffee haters can enjoy. From rich and indulgent mochas to refreshing iced lattes, these top 10 coffee drinks offer a delicious and satisfying alternative to traditional coffee for those who prefer a sweeter, creamier, or more flavorful beverage experience.


Q: Are these drinks high in caffeine?

  • While some of these drinks contain espresso, which is high in caffeine, you can opt for decaffeinated versions or choose drinks with less coffee content if you’re sensitive to caffeine.

Q: Can I customize these drinks to suit my taste preferences?

  • Absolutely! Many coffee shops offer customization options, allowing you to adjust the sweetness, flavorings, and milk choices to create a drink that suits your preferences.

Q: Are these drinks suitable for people with lactose intolerance?

  • Most coffee shops offer dairy-free milk alternatives such as almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk, making these drinks suitable for those with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies.

Q: Can I make these drinks at home?

  • Yes, many of these drinks can be easily recreated at home with a few simple ingredients and a home espresso machine or coffee maker.

Q: Are these drinks high in calories?

  • Some of these drinks may be higher in calories due to added sugars, syrups, and whipped cream. However, you can opt for lighter versions or smaller portion sizes to reduce calorie intake if desired.

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